If you have given up activities that gave you pleasure and were positive, including socialising with others, and have become passive and drifting, then you feel your life is empty, with fear and anguish (depression).
Demotivation from the banal things of everyday life, which become unbearable and uninteresting, also leads to changes in thinking (concentration, reasoning, memory are affected), and what we think about ourselves makes us feel negative about the future.
Being depressed is like throwing all the good things you have at home out into the street and as you look around and see your house emptying, you think to yourself: “I have nothing, I’m going to be miserable, I have no future, there’s no hope for me”.
Depression is a common illness that, if treated correctly, has a good prognosis. It requires treatment that combines the use of medication with psychotherapeutic counselling aimed at strengthening the patient’s personality and helping them to cope in a healthier way with the problems and frustrations of everyday life.
How we work with the problem of Depression:
Starting treatment with people suffering from depressive symptoms makes it essential for the family to be involved in this plan for change. Assessing strengths and weaknesses ensures that our programme is based on the positive aspects and potential of each person. Initiating change and looking at difficulties in a different way. Giving meaning to life and making it interesting, creating new challenges are the primary focus of change and of our Depression Treatment.
The physical aspect is also important, emphasising the need to increase activity in order to combat “stress hormones”, providing a feeling of greater energy, coming from the increase in cardiovascular and muscular capacity, with the supervision of a sports coach and a weekly training plan contributing to a more positive view of oneself, thus allowing the person to better understand the relationship between continued effort and the possibility of a more positive life.